Input Inquiry Form

Input Inquiry Form

As a certifying body, PACS is required by the Canada Organic Regime to approve each input used by our clients. As a not-for-profit society, our certification fees are charged to our clients on a per-use basis. To save on Certification Committee time billed, it is in the best interest of our clients to provide accurate and complete information to streamline the input assessment process.

A helpful websites that provides input review services is OMRI.  Also helpful for researching specific ingredients is the Permitted Substances List (PSL).

If the input is listed on those sites, please submit a web link to the PACS office for final approval by the PACS Certification Committee.

If you find a product that is listed/has ingredients listed on the PSL, please complete this form and submit to PACS for review.

Indicates required field
One file only.
512 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
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